Weather Cloud Project Update

I have ported the code over to the Particle Photon and am working on some new lighting and sounds to represent data being sent to the device.

Thanks to James Bruce and his How to Build a Cloud Lamp with Sound Reactive Lightning tutorial, I think I have found a cool Thunder animation. Continue reading Weather Cloud Project Update

My Internet of things

Last night I learning about API interactions with the Spark Core. It is actually rather easy once you see how it is implemented. I now have a working app that will let me turn our living room light on or off and show the current status.

Now I just need to secure the code and build an app. I will also be adding a temperature sensor and a servo to the module so I can turn the apartment heat up or down remotely.

Introducing the Photon.

Oh, a new Wi-Fi chip coming soon for $19???

Spark just started pre sales for the new Spark Photon. This an Arduino like micro controller with built-in Wi-Fi. I have 3 of the Spark Cores and I love them, at $39 a pop, but this new chip is more powerful and HALF the price!!!

The down side is that they don’t ship until March 🙁