Soft electronics projects

So a few weeks ago I got a visit from a friend that I worked with on getting embroidery machines to sew circuit patterns using conductive thread. This is one of the most time consuming and difficult part of doing soft electronics work for wearable tech.

Well he has made a huge amount of progress in doing the same types of embedded fabric circuits that only companies like Levies is doing. Using a $300 home embroidery capable sewing machine and his software anyone can assemble complex circuits complete with easy pads to stitch electronics to. There are even some embedded sensors that can be stiched into the fabric like Capacitive touch sensors, induction coils, and linear encoders. Even stitching the electronics in place is easy using the button stitch setting.

One other thing that has made this much more accessible is the development of better conductive thread. The thread I am working with is very similar to regular thread so it can used in the top and bottom of the sewing machine unlike other conductive threads that can only be used on the bottom part of the machine with regular thread at the top.

Currently I am working with this friend to get the software publicly available, and hopefully free, and develop a supply chain for getting this new conductive thread available in the US.

Currently I am using this to create exsamples of embedded wearable technology for an up and coming fashion show at the Living Computers Museum in Seattle. I do plan to post some videos and photos of what I am doing in the coming weeks.