Setting up MQTT on RasPi with Node Red

Download and install Raspian Stretch Lite onto RasPi SD card

  • sudo raspi-config
    • Enable SSL and any other desired options

Connect remotely using Putty:

Connect via SSH to the Pi’s IP address

Update and install all of the necessary software:

sudo raspi-update
sudo reboot

after the reboot, log in and install Node-Red

sudo apt-get install nodered

Once installed, we will need to start Node Red by running the following code.


Now you can go to the Pi’s IP address in any web browser but be sure to add port 1880 to the IP address like so:

Now we want to make it so Node RED runs on startup.

sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

install MQTT support

sudo wget
sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo wget
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install mosquitto mosquitto-clients python-mosquitto

Test by starting the service

sudo /etc/init.d/mosquitto start

open a new Putty terminal

In the first terminal enter the following:

mosquitto_sub -d -t hello/world

In the second Window, enter:

mosquitto_pub -d -t hello/world -m "Hellow from Terminal 2!"

If successful, the packet sent from terminal window 2 should appear in window.

One thought on “Setting up MQTT on RasPi with Node Red”

  1. Great tutorial. Notes that helped me as a n00b:

    1. After installing raspbian/raspbian lite, and before ejecting the disk, you can create a blank file in the boot partition called “ssh” to enable access with the password “raspberry.”
    2. To install python support I followed these steps:

    Everything else worked like a charm…
    Helpful links for fellow learners:

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